Saturday, May 29, 2010

Successful Pitch for your startup!!! A MUST-READ IF YOU ARE AN ENTREPRENEUR.

I found this excellent preso from Canaan Partners on SlideShare.

Canaan Partners is a global venture capital firm based in a couple of countries, including Israel. They are located in Hetzelia next to my building (Sun Microsystems).

This workbook-style presentation gives entrepreneurs just the information they need to give a successful pitch to venture and angel investors.


BTW - I took some time to review their website, I've their resource page valuable, have a look:

If you have valuable resources for start-up companies, feel free to share them with me, I work on a directory for start-ups I will publish when mature enough to be shared.

Yohan Albo

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Java @ EDF : le grand chantier des compteurs communicants a commencé

On a fait les news ce matin en France...

A lire:

Un de mes premiers projets energies est en phase de deploiment par EDF en France...

ERDF (Electricité Réseau Distribution France) entame le remplacement des compteurs électriques traditionnels par de nouveaux dispositifs communicants. A terme, ce sont 300 000 compteurs qui seront installés.

Grace a ce dispositif, les informations sur la consomation electrique seront transmises en temp reel en utilisant le réseau électrique via la technologie CPL (courant porteur en ligne) puis le GPRS vers le réseau télécom de l'électricien.

Ces concentrateurs GPRS embarquent une machine virtuelle Java provenant de chez Sun Microsystems, d'ou ma contribution a ce projet en temp que chef de projet.

Java est definitivement une technologie grandissante dans le monde de l'embarque... ce n'est pas pour rien que Java est present dans 90% des telephones portables dans le monde, dans plus de 80 millions de decodeurs TV, dans 100% des lecteurs BluRay, et dans tous les Amazon Kindles... c'est un fait!

May the Java force be with you ;-)
- Yohan Albo

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Thursday, May 06, 2010

How a company such as Tivo could expand its business activities to the Indian DTV market...

This document provides a set of analytical tools in hope to enable Tivo’s board of directors to reach an optimal decision concerning a potential operational expansion to the Indian market (simulation).

This report, generated as part of our EMBA studies, has been prepared by Yohan Albo, Dan Stemmer, David Spitzer, Dan Friedman, and Hemi Shmueli.

Comments are welcome.

Yohan Albo

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Starbucks' International Business Expansion Strategy & Why they have failed in Israel...

Below is a presentation we have generated as part of our EMBA program, describing a bit Starbucks' International Business Expansion Strategy & why they have failed in Israel back in 2001... Enjoy...

Here is a direct link if required:

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How great leaders inspire action

Below is a presentation that have inspired me today, wanted to share it w/ you guys...

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