Monday, June 01, 2009

Creating Developers for the Cloud of tomorrow - J1 '09 Report

Below are my notes from the "Creating Developers for the Cloud of tomorrow" session.

  • This session was a roundtable that looks at the convergence of application development and cloud computing, its impact on development tools and programming models, and the emergence of integrated cloud development environments.
  • Panel from market leader from Sun, Gartner, and Apache foundation
  • The emerging wave of cloud computing represents a major shift in information technology and application development.
  • Developers are starting to see the rise of cloud-based development platforms as part of the broad industry shift to cloud computing.
  • Gartner: "The point of Cloud Computing is not hosting but value-add service..."
  • Some small players can now come to cloud infrastructure players and deploy their applications/services and no matter where they are, they can address a market globally - remind me the world is flat - great opportunity for small players... from now no need for large infrastructure to be built and deployed... Service providers can focus on their core activity: monetization...
  • Discussions around the level of abstraction for developers that wants to make available their apps available on the cloud. Different approach exists in the market.
  • As a general guidance, the developer doesn't need to care about the infrastructure... but from my point of view, it may depend on the use case.
  • There is no free lunch - Cloud Computing costs and will cost - not talking about potential migration cost which could be huge.
  • Big problem in Cloud: Latency ( the data is not locally stored anymore), security, mash-up of services that come from different sources that can heavily cost in terms of performance, lack of control, legal requirements that not allows usage of cloud.
  • For the latency, some technologies are now being developed to address this matter (partial caching, local validation, etc...)
  • According to the panel, there will not be ONE killer app that will boost the adoption of cloud computing, it will be the existence of thousands of services available on the cloud...
  • An interesting point was mentioned re testing cycle of minutes when using the Cloud computing using an automatic test bench
  • According to the panel, it is too early to a speak about real API standardization for cloud computing...


Reporting from San Francisco this week - JavaOne conference - Community One Keynote

Hi Folks,
As some of you know, I'm in San Francisco this week introducing the first version of the JavaFX product for TV.

I'm now seating at the CommunityOne Keynote reporting in real time... sorry for the real time typos :)

(1) open community effort to improve our life and the life of others...
  • helping the community using your skills and talents...
  • Sounds good... I really believe educated people from the workforce around the world can make the difference locally...
  • Surely something I will try to apply when I'm back to my home country. I've already started preparing a computer education program at my son's elementary school...
(2) now the focus has moved to Cloud Computing....
  • Why the Cloud Computing has became the #1 buzz word in our ecosystem?
  • Open source is the foundation of Cloud Computing...
  • All is the about data... data sharing between system and subsystem... API rationalization will be a challenge
  • But to the truth is, all is about service...
  • Now we have a demo of the deployment of a data center in 6 clicks :) - drag and drop of machine, network switches, firewalls, etc... on a diagram , connecting them & that's it... BTW, this was done from a simple web browser interface:) Cloud app, obviously...

(3) Now they have touched Cloud apps/services, the focus moved to storage!
  • A partner has discussed how he has deployed a data recovery service running using Sun Cloud in hours....
  • They have also shown different tools to monitor the activity around the cloud, a simple dashboard.... I believe there are opportunities in the Cloud Computing monitoring business - I guess some API rationization work is required but I guess it could be relatively simple to build a cheap offer for web browser monitoring application that will address the different Cloud Computer offers available in the market... Interested? give me a call or send me a check at... ;-P
  • Now they are demoing a way to import a local application running on a standard PC and exporting it to the Sun Cloud... impressive... Between, I guess this is not so simple... but nice demos...
  • My Guess: Cloud computing offering + Id card + standard terminal computer = $$$ (at the begining, I believe this kind of E2E solution can be adopted by governements...) I guess that the issue that could slow the adoption of such a solution is mainly lack of standard :(
  • Good news... Sun has worked on the hardening (security fine tuning) for their cloud computing offer... Indeed, Security for the Cloud computing could be a real risk, this is also a reason for the slow adoption for large organizations... I believe we will need some time to see the security issues addressed in a satisfying way...
  • Imagine that in 1-2 years, you will be able to deploy a datacenter or a large-scale web application in a day (and not in weeks or months)... amazing! and this w/o having to care much about scalability, maintenance, etc... A very powerful tool that has a clear value add for nearly any organization...
  • biz dev model= monthly fee + pay what you use model + add to cart approach ~ on the paper at least ;-)

(4) Quick update on JavaFX
  • JavaFX now available on solaris
  • Nice demo running on solaris - adding Video reflection with 4 lines of code...
  • Many news around FX to come during J1...
(5) Network virtualization & ZFS
  • Introduction to the concept
  • Demo of kind of Time Machine application running on the cloud (using ZFS)
  • Fully-integrated flash storage support in ZFS helps to optimize large-scale pools of high-performance storage, which are automatically managed by ZFS to achieve extreme levels of performance across many workloads. All the new storage features are integrated into the Solaris Platform and take full advantage of its core functionality, including fault management, networking, multi-threaded scaling, performance, security and resource management capabilities.
  • Demo of web browser monitoring app of the file system in realtime using dtrace on Solaris - key to toubleshoting in realtime

Side comment - It was the first time I had the chance to see the video quality of a high-end HD projector - simply amazing.

Reporting for you from SF CA

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