Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Delivering a clear and powerful Message to the market - Oracle Study Case

Hi Folks,
Because of the Oracle-Sun aquisition, I've started spending some on the Oracle site, to better understand the next company I may work for, its corporate culture, its offering, its way to do business.

One of the things, I believe Sun will definitively learn from Oracle, is the way Oracle manage to deliver a crystal-clear and powerful message to the market. A message than no one can ignore... a message based on facts, and not promises.

One examples out of many available on a page dedicated to their Ads:

Building on facts provide a very strong message that cannot be easily rejected by competitors such as IBM, MS, and others... Between us, I don't know which channels they use to promote solutions that are not yet #1 in the market... Could it be that their ad/promotion campaigns really run only after they have reached the #1 place in at least one of the relevant benchmarks in the targeted sector? From the ads mentioned in this page, it seems to be the case.

An other point worth to mention is their genius in targeting specific industries or sectors with the optimal messaging/positioning.

No need to say too much... In general one strong sentence in bold you cannot miss even if you are 10 feet from the newspaper...

No images, just black text on top of a white background... In general, something written black on white MUST be true, isn't it?

In most of the case, the only color on the ad is the now well-known Oracle RED logo that cannot be missed.

I've learned a lot from the couple of minutes I spent analyzing Oracle's way of doing advertising...

I'm sure I will be reusing what I've learned here during my EMBA... a good teaser for a future case study.

Comments are welcome as always...

- Yohan

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Monday, October 26, 2009

What leads to success? - A 3-min video answer

Excellent video answering a simple, but critical question: "What leads to success?"

Share with us what you think about this video using the below comment icon.

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Sunday, October 04, 2009

Are you a JavaFX user?

Are you a JavaFX user? Unleash your opinion! Take a short survey and tell us what you think:

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