How to get emails and internet on your Blackberry without paying any BES or BIS subscription to your mobile provider
Hi Folks,The below configuration will allow you to access internet and your emails from your Blackberry without having to pay for the special additional Blackberry subscription fees (a.k.a. BES or BIS plans)...
Using the below configuration, you will be using your regular mobile internet access plan. (please make sure you have one, else there is no point to try the below)
This simple manipulation was tested on my Blackberry Bold, I guess it should work on other models as well...
Step by Step Instructions:
1. From your mobile, go to Setup--> Advanced Options --> TCP
2. Enter the APN info of your mobile provider.
Click here to find this information (most of the carriers are listed there)
For instance, for Orange IL, you can use the following parameters:
APN: internet
Username: orange
Password: orange
3. The native Blackberry applications will not work as there are tuned to be used only if you have a backberry subscription, so you need to install other applications to access internet and your emails. I personally recommend the following free applications:
Opera Mini --> Internet Browser
Gmail BB Client --> Access your Gmail account(s)
LogicMail --> Email client that will allow you to access your professional emails
That's it! Quick and Simple.
Labels: Blackberry