Saturday, February 03, 2007

In-game advertising

A few days ago, I was contacted by a company called .
This start-up seems to be well positioned to gain a bunch of money on the in-game advertising market.

You are not familliar with this concept... I don't worry... I copied below a short explaination taken from this site:

"In-game advertising is a new advertising medium which allows marketers to display their brand messages, in a variety of graphic formats, directly inside the actual games played by hundreds of millions of gamers worldwide.

While products and brands have appeared in games for years, these product placements have historically been “hard-coded” and couldn’t be changed. Double Fusion now provides the technology that makes these advertising opportunities dynamic and real-time¸ so that advertisers who want to promote their products for a specific period of time, or change their messaging during the campaign, can now take advantage of the huge audience of game players.

Why is in-game advertising on everyone’s lips these days? For good reason. With every year, more people play games, and the audience of gamers is in the hundreds of millions worldwide. More than half of all US households own a gaming console, and the number continues to grow every year in parallel with the number of game players and their hours of gameplay. It’s gotten so big that the largest games alone can generate hundreds of millions of hours of audience time per month.

Time spent gaming is coming directly out of other media, with a particular emphasis on TV. At a time when advertisers and marketers are questioning the value and impact of their television campaigns, in-game advertising offers the answers…which is why everyone in the marketing, gaming, and investment communities are focused on Double Fusion and the in-game advertising business overall. "


At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do they plan an IPO?

At 10:55 PM, Blogger Yohan [Yonathan] Albo said...

Good question. I have no idea...


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